Inspiration To Succeed

Since its inception, the Pacific Foundation for Blind Children has worked closely with the Washington State School for the Blind to assist in meeting the needs of students throughout the state of Washington who are blind or visually impaired, increasing their opportunities for success and independence.

Any listing of what the PFBC does will, of necessity, be incomplete. Needs change, and the PFBC changes what it does as needs change. Today technology is a very big deal — a blind person can not use a computer without software that will read the screen, and almost all employment requires a person be computer–savvy — so the PFBC has special programs to fund and distribute technology. But, the PFBC is a hands–on organization, too.

So here is a humble attempt at a list. Current PFBC projects include:

Birth To Three Program

photoPFBC supports the “Birth to 3” program which provides specialized services to babies and toddlers who are diagnosed with visual impairments or blindness. Much of the support is focused on the family as parents are often devastated and at a loss for how to cope with the realization that their baby is blind or visually impaired. In the first three years of life, 80 to 90 percent of what a child learns occurs through incidental learning often facilitated by vision. Children without vision learn to play, crawl, walk, explore the world and build meaningful relationships; however, they must learn to do this differently because they must use other senses. With the help of coaching, direction, and special learning tools and toys, children with visual impairments or blindness are able to reach their early learning potential. Ensuring that families are connected with support, resources, and early intervention services has proven a critical component in the little ones' ongoing success.

Helping Students Shine: Sports

picture-sprinterThroughout the year, the PFBC has helped fund programs and activities that broaden the horizons of children who are blind and visually impaired. So far, in 2008, we helped send three student athletes to represent Team USA at the 2008 International Blind Sports Association's Benchpress and Powerlifting World Championships in Miami, Florida.

Helping Students Shine: Music


The Foundation has also helped fund projects in the Music Department, such as assisting with private lessons to help students be the best they can be. In 2002, the choir performed at Ground Zero in New York City, at the Kennedy Center, and at the Pentagon, among other places on the East coast thanks to a grant from the PFBC.

WSSB Distance Learning

With support from the Foundation, a new distance learning lab has been installed at the Washington State School for the Blind. picture-labThe lab serves the needs of students who are visually impaired and blind, and dedicated teachers from across the state of Washington who are working to improve educational techniques for the blind and visually impaired. Distance learning allows the School to provide the same opportunities for students whether they are on campus or not. It provides volumes of information only available through technology. It provides access to instruction for smaller numbers of students that would otherwise be cost–prohibitive.

Video Clips On Blindness

With the help of the Foundation, the Washington State School for the Blind has been able to produce Video Clips on Blindness Tips. These free online videos help teach individuals various techniques to lessen the impact of blindness and visual impairments on everyday activities.

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“All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own.”


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